Diandra Andersen

Educational Qualifications:

  • Master of Counselling (Monash University)
  • Graduate Diploma of Psychological Studies (University of South Australia)
  • Bachelor of Business (Swinburne University of Technology)


  • Certified Clinical Trauma Professional
  • Certified Health Coach (American Council on Exercise)

Professional Training:

  • Gottman Method of Couples Therapy (Level 1)
  • Complexity of Adaption to Trauma Workshop Series
  • Schema Therapy Practitioner Training Level 1
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Adolescents
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Depression and Anxiety
  • Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • EFCT - Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy Externship
  • Foundational CBT

Professional Registration:

  • Provisional registration with Singapore Association of Counselling (SAC)
  • Level Two - Australian Counselling Association (ACA)


  • Children
  • Adolescents
  • Adult
  • Couples

Languages Spoken:

  • English
  • German

Diandra Andersen

Counsellor & Health Coach

Diandra Andersen

Diandra believes in the power of the therapeutic relationship and takes a non-judgemental, empathic stance. She encourages her clients to freely and authentically express themselves. Diandra primarily uses Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, gently guiding her clients to open up, be present and reconnect with their values in order to help her clients live a richer, more meaningful life. She believes that self compassion is an integral component of this. Diandra is also trained in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, The Gottman Method Couples Therapy, and is a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional. She is trained in crisis management and is a helpline volunteer.

Diandra helps individuals coping with:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Stress management
  • Interpersonal difficulties
  • Trauma
  • Major life transitions
  • Fertility Struggles / Pregnancy Loss
  • Family Issues

In addition to being a qualified counsellor, Diandra is an avid proponent of health and fitness. She is a Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Pilates Instructor and Personal Trainer. Accordingly, Diandra empowers her clients to adopt meaningful and sustainable lifestyle changes that promote both physical and mental wellbeing.

Diandra works with children, adolescents, adults and couples.

Diandra glaubt an die Kraft der therapeutischen Beziehung und nimmt eine vorurteilsfreie, einfühlsame Haltung ein. Sie ermutigt Ihre Klienten, sich frei und authentisch auszudrücken. Diandra nutzt hauptsächlich die Akzeptanz- und Commitment-Therapie, um ihre Klienten sanft dazu anzuleiten, sich zu öffnen, präsent zu sein und sich wieder auf ihre Werte zu besinnen, um ihren Klienten zu helfen, ein reicheres, bedeutungsvolleres Leben zu führen. Sie glaubt, dass Selbstmitgefühl ein wesentlicher Bestandteil davon ist.

Diandra ist auβerdem in kognitiver Verhaltenstherapie, motivierender Gesprächsführung und Paartherapie nach der Gottman-Methode ausgebildet und zertifizierte klinische Trauma-Expertin.

Diandra hilft Personen bei der Bewältigung von:

  • Angstzuständen
  • Depression
  • Stress-Management
  • Zwischenmenschlichen Schwierigkeiten
  • Trauma
  • Groβen Lebensveränderungen
  • Fruchtbarkeitsproblemen / Schwangerschaftsverlust
  • Familienproblemen

Diandra ist nicht nur eine qualifizierte Beraterin, sondern auch eine begeisterte Befürworterin von Gesundheit und Fitness. Sie ist zertifizierte Gesundheits- und Wellness-Trainerin, Pilates-Trainerin und Personal Trainer. Dementsprechend befähigt Diandra ihre Klienten, sinnvolle und nachhaltige Änderungen ihres Lebensstils vorzunehmen, die sowohl das körperliche als auch das geistige Wohlbefinden fördern.

Diandra arbeitet mit Kindern, Jugendlichen, Erwachsenen und Paaren.


Dr. Sanveen Kang

Director & Lead Clinical Psychologist

Samantha Ng

Principal Counselling Psychologist & Therapy Lead

Veronika Schindler

Senior Clinical & Health Psychologist

Aneesha Sathiananthan

Senior Educational & Developmental Psychologist

Benjamin Low

Senior Clinical Psychologist

Sara Mammen

Senior Clinical Psychologist

Sonya Branson

Senior Clinical Psychologist


Giana Sharma

Counsellor & Psychotherapist

Diandra Andersen

Counsellor & Health Coach

Dr. Zainab Shaukat

Senior ADHD & Executive Functioning Coach

Christabel See


Ho Yan Lin

Counsellor & Psychotherapist

Stephanie Lee

Counsellor & Coach (ADHD & Life; In training)

Nidhima Thakar

Counsellor in training

Art Psychotherapists

Joshua Tan

Senior Psychotherapist & Art Psychotherapist

Michelle Baraba

Senior Psychotherapist & Art Psychotherapist

Claire Haberer

Psychotherapist & Art Psychotherapist

Choi Young Jin

Psychotherapist & Art Psychotherapist

Occupational Therapists

Kaitlin Morgan

Principal Occupational Therapist & Head of Allied Health Services

Abelle Wee

Senior Occupational Therapist

Claire Soh

Occupational Therapist

Wong Pei Shan

Senior Occupational Therapist

Speech & Language Therapists

Azealia Kadir

Principal Speech and Language Therapist

Aisyah Nasser

Principal Speech and Language Therapist

Blakesley Orr

Senior Speech and Language Therapist

Educational Therapists

Mathana Balan

Principal Educational Therapist

Sonia Nair

Educational Therapist