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10th September, 2020
How can I support my child who is self-harming?
17th August, 2020
Learn tips to manage a behaviourally challenged student. This article also addresses the emotional exhaustion teachers experience in an inclusive classroom.
28th July, 2020
Understanding mental health from the perspective of sensory processing.
20th July, 2020
Sensory Integration Disorder.
28th June, 2020
Attachment and parenting. Learn effective ways to develop a deeper bond with your child.
8th June, 2020
Racism and, tips on how to approach this topics with your children and teenagers.
28th May, 2020
Anxiety, Stress and Impact on Children
8th May, 2020
How to support my child with home-based learning
5th April, 2020
Understanding and coping with emotions arising from Covid-19
16th March, 2020
Our Clinic Manager and Principal Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Sanveen Kang discusses TFSV.
25th February, 2020
Emotional regulation and parenting
27th January, 2020
Understanding why handwriting is an important life skills, knowing red flags and identifying some strategies to help your child.