IQ Testing Using Singapore Norms
Research has consistently shown that culture affects how one responds to standardized testing. During assessment, an individual that comes from a culturally and linguistically diverse background may not have had exposure to the knowledge or experience that is present in the test or expected by the evaluator. This lack of culturally or linguistically sensitive assessments and/or evaluators can lead to high rates of disproportionality in referrals to special services. Henceforth, competent clinicians always identify the most appropriate test versions and norms for the individual and situation.
The Singapore Ability Scales (SAS) has recently been developed. It is an individually administered, comprehensive instrument designed to measure clearly identifiable abilities that are significant for learning and educational development. The SAS is developed for use by psychologists and researchers working with the local Singaporean school-age population.
The SAS provides a comprehensive and flexible means of assessing different aspects of a child’s current cognitive functioning across the age range of 5 years (5:00) to 18 years 11 months (18:11), and comprises three components: Core Scales, Diagnostic Scales, as well as Achievement Scales, which has both Age-Equivalent and Primary Level Grade Norms.
It is based on research conducted locally with 2,000 children from different age groups and school settings. The SAS was developed through a research collaboration between the Ministry of Education, Singapore and the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Grade norms are available for the Achievement Scales in Word Reading, Spelling and Number Skills from Primary 1 to Primary 6.
Our psychologists at Psych Connect have been trained and certified to use the SAS.