Understanding Child Counselling in Singapore: A Guide for Parents

Published on 17th June, 2024 by Dr. Sanveen Kang

Understanding Child Counselling in Singapore: A Guide for Parents

Understanding Child Counselling in Singapore: A Guide for Parents

As parents, we strive to provide the best for our children, ensuring they grow up happy, healthy, and well-adjusted. However, the journey of childhood and adolescence is filled with challenges, and sometimes professional support is needed to navigate these complexities. Child counselling can be a valuable resource for families in Singapore, offering tailored support to help children overcome emotional, behavioral, and developmental issues.

What is Child Counselling?

Child counselling is a therapeutic process designed to help children and adolescents address and manage various psychological and emotional challenges. It involves a trained counsellor or psychologist working with the child to understand their feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, and to develop coping strategies for their difficulties. The goal is to foster a supportive environment where the child feels safe to express themselves and work through their issues.

Common Issues Addressed in Child Counselling

  • Anxiety and Depression: Many children experience anxiety and depression due to various factors, including school pressure, family conflicts, or social issues. Counselling helps them develop coping mechanisms to manage their emotions.

  • Behavioral Problems: Issues such as aggression, defiance, and hyperactivity can be challenging for both the child and their family. Counsellors work with children to understand the root causes of these behaviors and to develop more constructive ways of expressing themselves.

  • Family Issues: Divorce, separation, or family conflict can have a significant impact on a child's well-being. Counselling provides a space for children to process these experiences and learn to adapt to changes in their family dynamics.

  • Social Skills: Some children struggle with making friends or dealing with social situations. Counselling can help them develop the necessary social skills to build healthy relationships.

  • Trauma and Grief: Experiencing trauma or loss can be particularly challenging for children. Counsellors offer support to help them process their feelings and move towards healing.

Child Counselling in Singapore: What to Expect

Singapore offers a range of child counselling services through various channels, including private practices, community centers, and schools. Here’s what you can expect when seeking child counselling in Singapore:

  • Initial Assessment: The process typically begins with an initial assessment where the counsellor meets with the child and their parents to understand the presenting issues, the child’s background, and their current functioning. This helps in formulating a tailored intervention plan.

  • Individual Sessions: Depending on the child’s needs, regular individual sessions are scheduled. These sessions may involve play therapy, art therapy, cognitive-behavioral techniques, or talk therapy, depending on the child's age and preferences.

  • Parental Involvement: Parents play a crucial role in the counselling process. Counsellors often involve parents in the therapy process, providing them with strategies to support their child’s progress at home and improve the family dynamics.

  • School Collaboration: If needed, counsellors may collaborate with the child’s school to ensure a supportive environment is maintained across different settings. This can involve working with teachers to address any school-related issues and implementing strategies that support the child's well-being.

  • Progress Monitoring: Regular reviews and assessments are conducted to monitor the child's progress and make necessary adjustments to the intervention plan. This ensures that the counselling remains effective and responsive to the child’s evolving needs.

How to Find a Child Counsellor in Singapore

Finding the right child counsellor is crucial for effective therapy. Here are some steps to help you find a suitable counsellor in Singapore:

  • Referrals: Ask for recommendations from your child’s school, pediatrician, or friends and family who have experience with child counselling.

  • Online Directories: Utilize online directories and professional associations, such as the Singapore Psychological Society or the Singapore Association for Counselling, to find qualified counsellors.

  • Community Resources: Explore community centers and family service centers, which often offer counselling services at subsidized rates.

  • Initial Consultations: Schedule initial consultations with potential counsellors to discuss your child's needs and ensure a good fit in terms of approach and rapport.


Child counselling can be a transformative process for children facing emotional, behavioral, or developmental challenges. In Singapore, a variety of resources and professional support are available to help children and families navigate these difficulties. By understanding the importance of child counselling and taking proactive steps to find the right support, parents can play a pivotal role in their child's journey towards emotional well-being and resilience.

Dr. Sanveen Kang

About the Author - Dr. Sanveen Kang

Dr. Kang is a Clinical Psychologist by training and has more than 14 years of experience in treating mental and physical health issues for clients in hospitals, private practice, educational and corporate settings.

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